Thursday, August 17, 2006

Moving and stuff

I have to apologize for being MIA the last couple of days. I'm in the process of moving one avenue east and two blocks south. Who would have thought that such a short move would throw me back into the days of no internet and send me to the hospital (that's another story best saved for later). Anyhow, sorry for neglecting emails. . .I promise to get to all of them in due time. But just in case I go MIA again. . .here is the old school way to get in touch with me (well. . .relativly old school). Dial 917 583 0896 on your phone and it get you directly to me. Cool. . .now it's time to move more boxes.


Thursday, August 10, 2006

It was one hell of a hoedown

Hi guys...
I just want to say how much I enjoyed learning and laughing (that's alliteration!) with all of you this past weekend. I was surprised to find it was the first time several of you have crossed the I hope that wasn't too traumatic for anyone. A couple of people asked about some of the Old Timey music that was played over the weekend so I'm going to whip up a sampler and send it to anyone interested. Just e-mail me a mailing address!

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Sucker Punch Anyone?

So. Here we are. 50 phenomenal individuals fresh of the plane, boat, or whatever mode of transportation that brought us back into the world and society we have decided to call reality. This is perhaps an experiment in community, fellowship, and friendship. It's also one last desperate attempt at dreaming the impossible dreaming. 50 Don Quixotes and 50 Sancho Panzas bravely fighting windmills where ever it is that our bags have been set to rest. Lets live it right and lets live it full.
